
All posts in Assess

Setup – Creating Assessment Groups

Assessment groups are what is used to enroll students and teachers into courses in the Staffroom assessment module.  It is possible to create assessment groups that contain ANY combination of students, teachers and courses. Note that assessment groups live within categories so any assessment group you create will only be visible . . . Read more

Setup – Bulk Markbook Changes

It is possible to make bulk changes to all of the results in a category using the “Bulk Markbook Admin” feature.  This feature allows you to select and modify results from multiple markbooks in a category and then make changes to them, such as hiding, showing, or locking of markbook . . . Read more

Setup – Assessment Health Checks

Staffroom has a number of health checks that you can use to help find and fix problems in your assessment setup.  These health checks also include tools to help you make sure that your staff have completed marks capture so that you can be sure you are ready to print and . . . Read more

Setup – Archiving, Locking and Hiding Markbook Results

It is possible to archive, lock, and hide columns in any markbook: Archive – archiving results prevents any changes to captured or calculated marks from occuring.  This includes preventing users from being able to change marks in the markbooks, as well as changes that may result from calculation or settings . . . Read more

Print, Export & List Reference

Staffroom has a wide variety of printable reports, excel exports and exception lists.  Some of these are static and cannot be changed, but some are also flexible and can be customised to suit your needs. In addition to the reports listed in this section Staffroom also has a custom reporting . . . Read more