
About this Help Site

Welcome to the Staffroom help site!

This website is the instruction manual for Staffroom, so if you’re not sure how to do something on Staffroom this is a pretty good place to start.  The site is available to everyone who is using Staffroom so please let your staff know about it, so you can help them help themselves!

Note that this help site is under construction so not everything you need is here just yet.  We hope to have explanations for of Staffroom’s features soon.  If there is something missing that you need an explanation for please let us know via the support team

Some things you need to know about this site…

You can access this site from any Staffroom screen using the Knowledgebase link that is found in the footer of every Staffroom screen:


The instructions for Staffroom are all kept in the “Documentation” section of the site and you can navigate to it using the menu at the top of the screen or the round buttons on the home screen.  You can also search for documentation using the search box on the home screen:


Still need more help?

Sometimes reading the instructions isn’t enough, so if you need more help you can contact our support team any time via phone or email using the details on the support page

You can also use the blue “Request Support” button that is displayed on the right-hand side of any page on this help site:


Errors, Suggestions and Feedback

If you think you have found a mistake in any if the instructions on this site, or if you would like to give us a suggestion on how to improve something, please contact our support team via any of the channels above to let us know.