
Reporting – Audit Trail Terminology

Result: Results are used to set up the marks, comments and totals you want to appear in your markbooks. 

Result Types: There are four different types of results used 

  • An Activity is a result you use to represent some kind of assessment activity that has a simple mark e.g. a mark out of 100 or a letter like A, B or C. Activities can use numeric marks e.g. an examination that is marked out of 50. Activities can also use custom predefined scales e.g. SA Schools codes 1 to 7 or a letter-based scale A to F. 
  • Result Set is a result that is calculated or derived from another result in your markbook. Result Sets can use the marks captured in other activities or result sets in their calculations. Using result sets, you can combine multiple marks and use a variety of calculation types such as sum, average, weightings, and others. 
  • Comment result is one that consists of some text e.g. end of term comments or principal’s comments. Comment results can be either simple text or based on predefined text templates. 
  • Rule Based Result is one that uses a logical rule to decide the mark displayed. These results can be used to generate promotion results, based on a set of promotion rules. 

Mark types allows you to use a custom scale or numerical mark

Numeric Scale Type: A result with a numeric scale will allow a numeric mark to be captured into the markbook for that particular result. When a result has a numeric scale, a highest attainable mark (mark total) needs to be defined. For example, if you would like to capture a mark for a test that had a mark total of 50 marks, you can create an activity result, with a numeric scale and the highest attainable mark of 50. Only numerical values can then be entered into the markbook for that activity. 

Custom Scale Type: Assess allows for the creation of custom scales. By default, the SA national codes and descriptors scale (1 – 7) is already loaded into Staffroom.  When a result has a scale mark type, a further option allows you to select which scale to use for that result. The markbook now only allows you to enter marks within that scale for that particular result. A custom scale can consist of numerical values, like the 1 – 7 scale, but can also have alphabetical values, like A – F. 

Calculation Type: Calculation being used to determine total. 

Comment Type : Comment results can be either simple text or based on predefined text templates. The comment type allows you to specify whether it is a free text comment field or based on a list of predefined comment templates. 

Highest Attainable Mark: Maximum mark that can be set for an Activity. 

Linked Result: Part of calculation 

Unlinked Result: removed from calculation  

Only use highest: Only use highest marks from top subjects IE top 4 .

Pass rule anyway if no Marks exists: Still apply pass rule even if no mark exists 

Allow results to be used in subsequent rules: Re-use the result in the next rule to calculate outcome.