Portal Announcements
It is possible to create announcements that are visible on the dashboard of the Intouch Portal. You can create announcements that provide important or useful information and documents to parents and students who use the portal. Note that announcements are only visible to parents and students who log into the portal and view the dashboard.
Announcements are displayed on the right hand side of the Intouch Portal:
Adding an Announcement
To add a new announcement you navigate to the InTouch > Announcements > Compose page:
To create an announcement on this page you need to enter:
- The individuals, classes, or groups who you would like the announcement to be visible to in the “send to” field on the left.
- You can use the blue quick links below the send to select grades and other useful groups.
- If you start typing in the send to field it will suggest individuals and groups you may want to post to.
- You can make more than one selection in this field.
- Enter a subject / title in the field at the top right.
- You can make an announcement stay at the top of the screen by selecting the sticky announcement check box.
- Enter the details of the announcement in the large text field at the bottom left of the page.
- You can attach files to announcements by dragging and dropping files into the announcement.
- Select the “Send Announcement” button to post the announcement on the InTouch Portal and make it visible to parents and students.