
What are Staffroom Settings?

Making Staffroom work the way you need it to

Staffroom is just one system that all of our schools use, but it can be used in a variety of ways.  When we create features in Staffroom we try to make them flexible so that it can meet the needs of different schools.  This does mean that there are quite a few different settings that can be used to control how Staffroom works at your school.

In this section of documentation, we explain the system settings that have been provided, including:

  • General Settings
  • Users, Roles & Permissions
  • Custom Data
  • Other Settings

NB: The features and settings described in this section will only be available to system administrators and not regular Staffroom users.  Many of the settings described, if misused, can cause undesirable behaviour within your site.  Changes to settings should be made with caution and preferably tested on your test site before your live site.

Didn’t know you had a test Staffroom site?  You can find out more about that here.